Monday, May 16, 2016

Favorite Doctors

   My name is Emma Jayne.  I have enjoyed reading and writing from a very young age, both making a great impact on my life.  Through the years I have developed other interests like, archery, piano, and swimming, but none I have been as passionate about as writing and reading.  A few of the stories which I love and have stuck with me for years, are the bible (of course), Sherlock, Doctor Who, Percy Jackson, and The Hunger Games.   I'm in my freshman year of high school, but I'm home schooled.  I have been enjoying a year of biology, history, and debate in the home school co-op I'm in.  I have two blogs: The Author's Plot and Prayer Warriors.

   For all of the Doctor Who fans out there, I've created a list of the doctors- from my least favorite to my favorite.  Now, keep in mind, I love the Doctor, and I believe there is a defining trait in each one of them, which is beheld in the all famous, John Smith.  But you must admit, there were some doctors who were better than others- and beyond that first layer, there's the opinion of every individual.  And this is my opinion.  But, as you look through this post I want you to keep in mind that my opinion is not completely justified or complete. 
   See,  I have watched all of the episodes of the rebooted series from Netflix- and they were great.  And after that, I found the old series on Netflix and began watching them.  But when I started I soon realized that not all of the seasons were on Netflix.  I looked it up, and discovered there are twenty-seven seasons, but only eighteen were on Netflix.  So, there's the first reason for my limited viewing of the doctors of old, but there's a second reason.  
   After I found out Netflix was missing some seasons, I found out they were taking it down in a month.  Because of this, I rushed through the series, and only got to see nine seasons from the old series.  But I've watched clips on Youtube- and I know that's no justification- but I have put together this list with the information I hold, and I hope you enjoy.

13. William Hartnell
   I saw only one season of William Hartnell on Netflix, and then I watched a video on Youtube of his ten best scenes.  I honestly wish I didn't have to put him as my least favorite, but I just didn't find him as interesting as the others.  Yes, he was the first doctor, and that is the reason he will always have a place in my heart, but I enjoy watching the others more.  I thank William Hartnell, the first doctor, for beginning the series as the cold, calculating, and clever doctor, to show us the growth he goes through in his two thousand years, but I simply have to put him as my least favorite.   

12. Colin Baker
   There were no seasons of the sixth doctor on Netflix, so I watched a couple clips on Youtube, and the video of his top ten scenes.  The sixth doctor's took a dark turn after the kind and sweet fifth doctor.  He was prone to outrages, and not a very sympathetic spirit.  I enjoyed his witty lines nonetheless, and his personality intrigued me because of it's strange and exotic expressions.

11. Christohper Eccleston
   I have seen all of his episodes, and his top ten scenes video on Youtube.  The ninth doctor, in my opinion, could have been better, compared to the other doctors.  I can't really tell you what it is, but something about him is just missing.  Despite this partial fail though, I do enjoy him, and was sad to find my first doctor leaving when he did.  I enjoyed his goofy personality, and the smiles he gave in the most dire of situations.  He really isn't that bad- I really enjoyed him- but he now pales in comparison to the others.  

10. Patrick Troughton
   I saw two seasons with him, and his top ten scenes video.  I know Patrick Troughton is a favorite of many people, and I can see why.  He is the first regeneration of the doctor, and quite opposite from the first doctor's cold exterior.  The second doctor is a silly, not to be messed with doctor.  His has an inspiring love for music and his recorder, and has a quick wit and he's very cunning.  Unfortunately, I know all of these things, but I haven't seen them.  It is of course, from a lack of experience with the old series, but I can't put him at a smaller number, because I don't know and enjoy him like I do the others.  

9. Peter Davison
   I have seen two seasons of the fifth doctor on Netflix, and the video on Youtube of his top ten scenes.   I love the fifth doctor so much.  His soft and caring spirit capture me every time.  I believe he is the first doctor to lose a companion to death, and it paves the way for the broken doctor we know today.  I have to admit, he is one of the more boring ones, but his kind heart makes me love him every time.

8. Jon Pertwee
   I saw two seasons of the third doctor, and his top ten scenes video.  I love that this doctor is known for his martial arts skills, leaning a bit more to the brawn side then any other doctor, it's a nice twist to see the doctor in.  His poise and elegance match so very well with his martial arts.  His calm behaviour is one to love, and admire.  I don't have a whole lot of negative to say about him, so I'll leave off, with that.

7. Paul McGann
   I have never seen the movie that the eighth doctor appeared in, and I hear it's pretty bad- but I have seen his top ten scenes video.  Despite, this lack though, I fell in love with this doctor, from the moment he jumped around, saying, These shoes!!  The eighth doctor is such a sweetheart, and he gets excited over the smallest things.  He is in a pretty bad movie I hear, but I believe the eighth doctor lived on through everyone's hearts.  Then, as he comes back for Night of the Doctor, we are all intrigued by this doctor we know hardly anything about, and yearn for more.  I believe that the eighth doctor deserves his own season, or an episode with the current doctor.

6. John Hurt
   I've seen all of the two episodes the War doctor is in, along with his top ten scenes video on Youtube.  I personally love this doctor so much.  In only one episode he provided so many fun moments, and a brilliant personality.  The backstory for this doctor is simply amazing, and the fact that he's the only doctor in the Time War, is simply amazing.  And his rough exterior is played perfectly by John Hurt.

5. Peter Capaldi
   I've seen all of his episodes, except for the last Christmas episode.  This doctor came as quite a surprise to me, especially after three goofy, joking doctors, who were all young and jumping all over the place.  In fact, I hated him in season eight.  But over the span of the ninth season- and getting over the eleventh doctor- I have learned to enjoy him.  First of all, his darker twist, is new for Doctor Who fans of the rebooted series- we've finally realized that the doctor isn't always funny.  And the love he has for his music is simply inspiring.  His relationship with Clara blossomed when he arrived, and when he first wasn't sure who he was in the beginning (I found annoying at first) was eye opening, that this doctor would be different.  

4. Sylvester McCoy
   I've seen one season of the seventh doctor, and his top ten scenes video on Youtube.  The last doctor before the series was cancelled in nineteen eighty-nine, I simply love.  The seventh doctor was a cranky man, and at first I believed I wouldn't enjoy him, but then I saw how amazing he was with words.  The manipulation he could instruct with only his words was astounding.  I loved the student and teacher relationship he had with his companion, Ace, and his deep thoughts gave me a smile every time he spoke them aloud.  
3. Tom Baker
   I have seen only one season of the fourth doctor (unfortunately), and the top ten scenes video.  The fourth doctor's quirky personalities is one to fall in love with, and stands thirty-five years later.  This man is a legend, and loved by all, there simply just isn't much to say about him.  Would you like a jelly baby?

2. David Tennant
   I've seen all of the episodes with the tenth doctor, and his top ten scenes video on Youtube.  I can't say anything about this man.  The tenth doctor took everyone on a rollercoaster of emotions in his three seasons.  He made me happy, through the scale of smiles to laughter through tears.  The tenth doctor brought me through many hikes of his love lives with River, Joan, Rose (ugh).  He made me suffer for his decision the War doctor made during the Time War.  From the moment he regenerated into existence, to the moment he left me in tears, Ten has been a favorite of mine.  

1. Matt Smith
   I've seen all the episodes with the eleventh doctor, and his top ten scenes video on Youtube.  The eleventh doctor and the tenth doctor have always (actually mostly) been a debate for me.  For the first season, I actually didn't enjoy him, because I was grieving over the tenth doctor, and didn't give myself time.  But eventually I got around, and he became my favorite by a very slim pass.  I love his hyper active manners, and childish personality, but the reason he is my favorite, is not that.  The tenth doctor brought me through so many emotions, he mad me suffer through every moment he suffered, and I loved it, but hated it.  The eleventh doctor was a good break from the emotions, and he healed the wound of the tenth doctor leaving without a scar.  
   But, when he does have an emotional moment, you see that the eleventh doctor is one of the most emotionally insecure doctors, and hides it.  And that makes his goofy personality all the better.  

Monday, May 9, 2016

The Electroclan

Hey, I'm Katelyn Atwood (You can call me Kate), and I like lots of things including: Percy Jackson, Michael Vey, SUPERWHOLOCKIN and other stuff like that! I also really like riding and training with my horses, I love photography and everything about it, and I took a small interest in some art recently, but I don’t know how I feel about it. Something unique about me? I spent an entire week once to learn a dance from an anime I don’t even watch, yeah, weird right? I did memorize it though, its pretty cool. I can perform it with my sister almost perfectly.  I really enjoy reading/writing! I haven’t always been into writing, it started 2 years ago with a school writing assignment and went from there,  as far as reading, my older siblings forced it upon me about 4 years ago when they wanted me to read a book series, I hated it then, but love it now, and thank my siblings greatly for being so mean and forcing me to read books, :-) Books are awesome. I am also super weird and random, so, ignore my randomness, hopefully its just a faze, that has been going on sense birth, hopefully, haha I have 1 blog and its Katelyns Photography I am not super active on posting, but hopefully I will be in the future! 

The Electroclan, where would we be without them?

Hello! (Katelyn of the Wood here!) Today I have a list of the Electroclan (From Michael Vey), who they

are, and where they would be without them! Scary to think, where Michael, Taylor, and the others

would be, without even the minor characters. (Side note, I am at the beginning of the 3 rd book, so, I am

doing the Electroclan where I am in the books, and, will not be including Tessa (Tesla), reason being, so

far, only Michael has met her, and we don’t know much about her yet!) I hope you enjoy it, and it might

even build us a new appreciation for minor, powerless characters.

*There will be spoilers in this, you have been warned!*

1. Michael Vey

I think this is an obvious one; the electroclan wouldn’t exist without Michael Vey. He is their leader,

they wouldn’t survive without him.

2. Taylor Ridley

Hmmm, I think, if Taylor hadn’t come along, nothing would have happened. I mean, think about

it, if the popular cheerleader had never seen the nerdy guy drop 3 bullies at once, they would

have never come together so perfectly, and never gone to Pasadena, or anywhere.

3. Ostin Liss

Without Ostin’s amazing plans and schemes to get around or escape the Elgen, or his

encouragement way back when, when Michael was thinking about going to Pasadena, he got

him out of impossible situations. He might not be all muscles, but Ostin is a huge part of the


4. Zeus

Considering that in book 2, there is a chapter titled “Zeus’s sacrifice” I think it’s safe to say that

Zeus is a main piece of the electroclan puzzle. At this point, he will go above and beyond to

defeat Hatch, and help Michael, without him, I think They wouldn’t have been able to break

Michael out of the Peru compound without Zeus, he was a huge help!

5. Ian

Very similar to Ostin, without Ian, the electroclan would have been captured or worse, a long

time ago. He was able to see Elgen guards coming from a mile away, when no one else could,

even though he is “blind” he really isn’t, without him, most of the electroclan would have died,

if not all of them!

6. Abigail

Without Abigail, Michael wouldn’t have gotten out of cell 25, he would have died. No question.

The electroclan would have never made it without her!!

7. McKenna

In several occasions McKenna's powers have come in handy, between heating things up to help

them escape, or lighting up to provide pathways.  Without her, escaping, and getting in places

have been sooooooo much harder!

8. Grace

What would the electroclan be like without Grace? Hmm, she might seem like a minor

character, where I am in the books, but, she was able to give the info, for Michael to rescue his

mother. Without her, they would have never rescued her, and never gone to Peru.

9. Jack

Despite having no electric powers, Jack fights like he is just like the rest of the electroclan! He

seriously has helped Michael and the others in so many helpless situations. And, I have noticed

that in Michael’s absence, he helps by taking on part of the leader role, he motivates the rest of

the group, even in awful situations! He is the best cheerleader in my opinion, besides Taylor, of


10. Wade

Without Wade the electroclan would be, hmm, in a long train of events, captured. You see,

when breaking into an Elgen compound you are very short of time, so, without those extra

people (Wade and sometimes Jack) you would run out of time. He helps get the “Little things”

done, dragging guards away, taking guns from people, the things that would take too much time

for the rest of the clan to stop and take the time to do!

11. Mitchell

Without Mitchell, the Electroclan wouldn’t have had a hideout spot in book 2. They would have

been captured by the Elgen, maybe escaped, but maybe not. Mitchell saved the day on this one.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Welcome to the Domain!

   My name is Emma Jayne.  I have enjoyed reading and writing from a very young age, both making a great impact on my life.  Through the years I have developed other interests like, archery, piano, and swimming, but none I have been as passionate about as writing and reading.  A few of the stories which I love and have stuck with me for years, are the bible (of course), Sherlock, Doctor Who, Percy Jackson, and The Hunger Games.   I'm in my freshman year of high school, but I'm home schooled.  I have been enjoying a year of biology, history, and debate in the home school co-op I'm in.  I have two blogs: The Author's Plot and Prayer Warriors.

  Hello, fellow geeks!  I’m so glad you have found our domain through the perilous browsings of the Book of Faces, and the Valley of Twitters.  There are seven of us here to welcome you into our realm: Acacia of the Dawns, Ariana of the House of Short Hobbits, Eliana the Mad Ox, Emma the Knight Jane (I’m not going to be a princess), Jacoy of the Dawns, Katelyn at the Wood, and Moriah the lady Jane.  We welcome you all with free and open hearts.  Now, let’s get down to business.
  This blog is simply for geeks, and by geeks, if you’re not a geek- get out.  Our definition of geeks in this rabbit hole, is a soul who loves books, movies, or tv shows with an odd passion.  A few of the stories we’ll be delving into are- Marvel, Harry Potter, Books of Bayern, Love Comes Softly, Pixar, Doctor Who, Tales of Goldstone Wood, and Merlin- those are just a few.  When I sat down to brainstorm the very first post this blog would ever have, I had a few things I wanted to accomplish in the post.  A) Give an introduction to all of us without a boring read through of all our bios.  B) Introduce a few of the worlds we enjoy in literature. C) Give a preview of what posts would look like in the future when we have a good grip on this business. D) And of course, while making it all interesting
  And this is the post which resulted from that brainstorm.  Enjoy!

  Acacia of the Dawns is the most flexible being of all.  Her body can do strange tricks which an average being cannot succeed in.  That is because she is a superhero!  To be specific, she is a ninja.  She is a crime fighting machine, never detected, never seen, and never heard by her enemies.  She uses the grand skills God has gifted her with for good.

  Ariana of the House of Short Hobbits has the appearance of a rebel.  Wearing her fingerless gloves, and the collar around her neck, with her dyed purple hair, she appears that she might do well if she had forcefields (looking all kick-you-out-of-the-ball-parkish).  Ariana has a gift of creating force fields, protecting herself, and everyone else around her, making her a key defender in battle.

  Eliana the Mad Ox is extremely smart.  She has an eidetic memory, and she knows how to use knowledge to her advantage in battle.   She also has the power to delve into someone’s mind- probably where she gets all her knowledge from.

  Emma the Knight Jane is an archer.  On her back is a quiver of exploding arrows, arrows with nets, EMP arrows, and more, and more arrows- with regular arrows as an addition.

  Jacoy of the Dawns is a bubbly girl, with smiles and laughs to go around.  Her personality is just parallel of her power- she controls water.  She can send tidal waves from a river, draw moisture from the air, and create rain falling from the clouds.  Her powers don’t stop there either, they continue on into anything with water you can think of.

  Katelyn at the Wood enjoys to ride her beloved horses.  This is because she’s a horse general.  In an instant she can have an army of horses by her side, she leads them into battle, riding on a steed of majestic white.

  Moriah the lady Jane appreciates the music she comes across.  She has been gifted with the ability to control sound waves.  She can amplify or mute the things you hear, and even manipulate what it is you hear.

     Imagine, that these superhumans are fighting against several iconic characters from different stories.  Several characters auditioned for the part, but only seven of them made it into the elite team to be pit against us.  Now, I won’t let you wait around any longer- here are the people who made the cut.

  The Bard Eanrin with his amazing acrobatics won me over, after him, followed Rey, the force wielder.  Sherlock then joined for his brilliant mind, and depth of knowledge in deduction.  Katniss Everdeen then impressed me with her resourceful skills- not too mention her archery skills.  Miri was then accepted for her ability to move rock, and broad mind in debate and philosophy.  The great wizard, Gandalf, is the next one to join.  And following quickly, is another talented wizard, Merlin.  And they’re all ready to battle.

  If you stick around for the next month, I will reveal what happens when these two armies are pitted against each other.  Enjoy your fine month of May!

Now, that we have our two teams,
who will win?