Monday, May 9, 2016

The Electroclan

Hey, I'm Katelyn Atwood (You can call me Kate), and I like lots of things including: Percy Jackson, Michael Vey, SUPERWHOLOCKIN and other stuff like that! I also really like riding and training with my horses, I love photography and everything about it, and I took a small interest in some art recently, but I don’t know how I feel about it. Something unique about me? I spent an entire week once to learn a dance from an anime I don’t even watch, yeah, weird right? I did memorize it though, its pretty cool. I can perform it with my sister almost perfectly.  I really enjoy reading/writing! I haven’t always been into writing, it started 2 years ago with a school writing assignment and went from there,  as far as reading, my older siblings forced it upon me about 4 years ago when they wanted me to read a book series, I hated it then, but love it now, and thank my siblings greatly for being so mean and forcing me to read books, :-) Books are awesome. I am also super weird and random, so, ignore my randomness, hopefully its just a faze, that has been going on sense birth, hopefully, haha I have 1 blog and its Katelyns Photography I am not super active on posting, but hopefully I will be in the future! 

The Electroclan, where would we be without them?

Hello! (Katelyn of the Wood here!) Today I have a list of the Electroclan (From Michael Vey), who they

are, and where they would be without them! Scary to think, where Michael, Taylor, and the others

would be, without even the minor characters. (Side note, I am at the beginning of the 3 rd book, so, I am

doing the Electroclan where I am in the books, and, will not be including Tessa (Tesla), reason being, so

far, only Michael has met her, and we don’t know much about her yet!) I hope you enjoy it, and it might

even build us a new appreciation for minor, powerless characters.

*There will be spoilers in this, you have been warned!*

1. Michael Vey

I think this is an obvious one; the electroclan wouldn’t exist without Michael Vey. He is their leader,

they wouldn’t survive without him.

2. Taylor Ridley

Hmmm, I think, if Taylor hadn’t come along, nothing would have happened. I mean, think about

it, if the popular cheerleader had never seen the nerdy guy drop 3 bullies at once, they would

have never come together so perfectly, and never gone to Pasadena, or anywhere.

3. Ostin Liss

Without Ostin’s amazing plans and schemes to get around or escape the Elgen, or his

encouragement way back when, when Michael was thinking about going to Pasadena, he got

him out of impossible situations. He might not be all muscles, but Ostin is a huge part of the


4. Zeus

Considering that in book 2, there is a chapter titled “Zeus’s sacrifice” I think it’s safe to say that

Zeus is a main piece of the electroclan puzzle. At this point, he will go above and beyond to

defeat Hatch, and help Michael, without him, I think They wouldn’t have been able to break

Michael out of the Peru compound without Zeus, he was a huge help!

5. Ian

Very similar to Ostin, without Ian, the electroclan would have been captured or worse, a long

time ago. He was able to see Elgen guards coming from a mile away, when no one else could,

even though he is “blind” he really isn’t, without him, most of the electroclan would have died,

if not all of them!

6. Abigail

Without Abigail, Michael wouldn’t have gotten out of cell 25, he would have died. No question.

The electroclan would have never made it without her!!

7. McKenna

In several occasions McKenna's powers have come in handy, between heating things up to help

them escape, or lighting up to provide pathways.  Without her, escaping, and getting in places

have been sooooooo much harder!

8. Grace

What would the electroclan be like without Grace? Hmm, she might seem like a minor

character, where I am in the books, but, she was able to give the info, for Michael to rescue his

mother. Without her, they would have never rescued her, and never gone to Peru.

9. Jack

Despite having no electric powers, Jack fights like he is just like the rest of the electroclan! He

seriously has helped Michael and the others in so many helpless situations. And, I have noticed

that in Michael’s absence, he helps by taking on part of the leader role, he motivates the rest of

the group, even in awful situations! He is the best cheerleader in my opinion, besides Taylor, of


10. Wade

Without Wade the electroclan would be, hmm, in a long train of events, captured. You see,

when breaking into an Elgen compound you are very short of time, so, without those extra

people (Wade and sometimes Jack) you would run out of time. He helps get the “Little things”

done, dragging guards away, taking guns from people, the things that would take too much time

for the rest of the clan to stop and take the time to do!

11. Mitchell

Without Mitchell, the Electroclan wouldn’t have had a hideout spot in book 2. They would have

been captured by the Elgen, maybe escaped, but maybe not. Mitchell saved the day on this one.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post, Katelyn! Michael Vey is a really good series.
